We all want to notify our Discord community as soon as we start a Trovo live stream, or just want to get notified when our favorite creator on Trovo starts a live stream, right inside our Discord server.
Sometimes we only want an alert when the live stream is something we're interested in, like for example if the streamer is playing a game we like, or if the title contains a word, let's say Giveaway for example. How do we do that?
Notify bot is here to make it all simple for you. You can filter out the notifications based on various criteria, like content type, maturity rating, includes or excludes something in the title and more, and customize how they appear on your Discord server, the easiest and the fastest way.
Let's see how to do that.
All you need to do is login to Notify bot's dashboard with your Discord account, select your Discord server from the list and invite Notify bot to your server by clicking the Invite button.
That's it, you're ready to start adding Trovo notifications.
Select Trovo to start adding Trovo notifications to your Discord server.
Creating the notification
You should now see a + button to create a new Trovo notification.
Here's some information what each tab is about.
Just click on the save button which is shown as a check mark to create your Trovo notification.
That's it, you've created your first Trovo notification using Notify.
You can now create notifications for whichever integrations you want, and Notify will send alerts to your Discord server as you want.
Here's the link to Notify bot's dashboard if you missed it.